P.E.B Office in Vietnam
USB News

P.E.B Office in Vietnam

29 Nov, 2022 Category: USB News

You might know Universal Steel Buildings -US Buildings through our projects of warehouses and factories around the globe, but today, we want to show you what we have done in our home country.

This is one of Universal Steel Buildings projects in Vietnam in the past few years. The 5-Storey Office Building in Buu Long with 30 tons of steel was not that impressive when compared to other USB’s projects, but this office building holds an important place in our hearts. This is one of our most dedicated projects at that time, with improved customer services, even more, detailed work, and a newly optimized process to provide our customers with the best outcome possible.

You can say that we love to show you our works,  the loving, caring, and passion for each and every single one of them. Contact us now, and enjoy USB’s dedication, professional and durable.



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Universal Vietnam Steel Building Co., Ltd. All rights reversed.